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                   Cryotherapy Contraindications 




  • Ischemic heart disease

  • Diseases of the myocardium or the mitral apparatus

  • Valve disorders: aortic valve stenosis and mitral valve stenosis

  • Cardiac pacemaker

  • Symptomatic cardio vascular disease

  • Cardiac arrhythmias

  • Cardiac Stint within the previous 6 months

  • Acute or recent myocardial infarction

  • Severe Hypertension (BP> 180/100)

  • Unstable angina pectoris


  • Printzmetal syndrome

  • Unstable coronary artery disease

  • Arrhythmia at a rate higher than 100 strokes per minute

  • Bleeding disorders

  • Peripheral arterial occlusive disease

  • Severe anemia

  • Local blood flow disturbances

  • Intermittent claudication (also called peripheral arterial disease)

  • Ischemic heart disease

  • Thromboembolic changes and inflammation in the venous system (Venous thrombosis, Arterial Thrombosis)





  • Sympathetic neuropathy

  • Central nervous system disease

  • Uncontrolled seizures

  • Epileptic seizures


  • Symptomatic-lung disorders

  • COPD - Chronic obstructive pulmonary disease

  • Acute respiratory diseases of various origin

  • Venous blood leaks in the lungs



Cerebral Psychological


  • Acute cerebral hemorrhage or a stroke in the past

  • Acute or recent cerebral vascular accident

  • Reversible cerebral vasoconstriction syndrome


  • Mental disorders, which may prevent adequate co-operation with the patient in the chamber

  • Excessive emotional lability, expressed inter alia, in excessive excitability.

  • Claustrophobia (fear of small or confined spaces)





  • Raynaud disease

  • Cancer/tumor - all types

  • Acute kidney and urinary tract diseases


  • Gangrenous lesions

  • Open wounds and ulcers

  • Mild infections and worse



ImmunologicalCold Hypersensitivty / Cold Intolerance


  • Agammaglobulinemia

  • Cryofibrinogenemia


Cold Urticaria - Also known as hives. A release of histamine during re-warming after a period of cooling, causing red, itchy welts on the skin.

Cold Erythema -A rash, characterised by redness and itching, caused by exposure to cold. Can cause severe pain and muscular spasms.

Cold Hemoglobinuria - When red blood cells break down so quickly that some haemoglobin cannot combine with blood proteins.





  • Hypothyroidism




  • Pregnancy

  • Emaciation and hypothermia

  • Effects of drugs, especially antipsychotics and alcohol.

  • Persons younger than 18 years old (parental consent is required for treatment)

The list above is for informational purposes only.
Please consult your doctor for medical advice

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